MID Category |
MID Name and Description |
IDEA Name |
Notes |
Displays of Force |
Alert |
| Reported increase in the military readiness of a state's regular armed forces. |
Armed force alert
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Border Violation |
| Crossing of a recognized land, sea or air boundary for a period of less than twenty-four hours by official forces of one state, without any force being used on the territory (or population) of the targeted state or any significant public demonstration of military force capability. |
Armed force border violation
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. Air space (border) violations may also be coded to IDEA's covert monitoring (214) if it were explicitly characterized as such. |
Fortify Border |
| Explicit attempt to publicly demonstrate control over a border area through the construction or reinforcement of military outposts to defend or claim territory. |
Border fortification
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Mobilization |
| Activation by a state of all or part of its previously inactive forces. |
Armed force activation
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Nuclear alert |
| Increase in military readiness of a state's nuclear forces. |
Nuclear alert or test
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Show of planes |
| Public demonstration by a state of its airborne capabilities (e.g., repeated air space violations). |
Armed force air display
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. Air space violations may also be coded to IDEA's covert monitoring (214) if it were explicitly characterized as such. |
Show of ships |
| Public demonstration by a state of its naval military forces, including a purposeful display of naval forces outside the territorial waters of a targeted state. |
Armed force naval display
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Show of troops |
| Public demonstration by a state of its land based military forces, not involving combat operations (e.g., maneuvers). |
Armed force troops display
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Threats of Force |
Threat to blockade |
| Threat by one state to use its ships, airplanes or troops to seal off the territory of another state, so as to prevent either entry or exit. |
Threaten forceful blockade
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Threat to declare war |
| Threat by one state to issue an official declaration of war against another state. |
Threaten war
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Threat to occupy territory |
| Threat by one state to use military force to occupy the whole or part of another state's territory. |
Threaten forceful occupation
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Threat to use force |
| Threat by one state to use its regular armed forces to fire upon the armed forces or violate the territory of another state. |
Threaten forceful attack
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Threat to use nuclear weapons |
| Threat by one state to use all or part of its nuclear arsenal against the territory or forces of another state. |
Threaten nuclear attack
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Uses of Force |
Blockade |
| Use of ships, planes or troops by one state to seal off the territory of another state so as to prevent entry or exit of goods or personnel. Boarding, stopping, or inspection of
ships, land vehicles or the confiscation of goods is sufficient evidence for the erection of a blockade. |
Armed force blockade
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Clash |
| Outbreak of military hostilities between regular armed forces of two or more system members, in which the initiator may or may not be clearly identified. |
Armed battle
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Declaration of war |
| Official statement by one state that it is in a state of war with another state. |
Declare war
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Occupation of Territory |
| Use of military force by one state to occupy the whole or part of another state's territory for a period of more than twenty-four hours. The immediate occupation after a war by the victorious side's army is not coded as an incident unless provisions of the treaty are violated by the occupying forces or further militarized incidents are undertaken by the state being occupied. |
Armed force occupation
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Raid |
| Use of regular armed forces of a state to fire upon the armed forces, population, or territory of another state. Within this incident type, the initiator can be clearly identified and its action is not sanctioned by the target. |
Armed actions
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |
Seizure |
| Capture of material or personnel of official forces from another state, or the detention of private citizens operating within contested territory. Seizures must last at least
twenty-four hours to be included. |
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. IDEA does not distingusih between seizures of less than a day and more than a day. Because MID includes both seizure of people (IDEA codes 212 & 213) and things (IDEA code 211), the highest level of aggregation (to the IDEA cue code 21) must be used in IDEA to match this MID event form. |
Use of CBR weapons |
| Use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons from the arsenal of one state employed against the territory or forces of another resulting in less than 1,000 total battle deaths per dispute. |
Unconventional weapons attack
IDEA event forms are not bound to actors so references to military actors in MID need to be filtered in a post coding procedure. |