Chinese President Jiang Zemin (source1)† made an official visit to Singapore (source2)† last week.

  1. Literal source value for source1 is "Chinese President Jiang Zemin"

  2. Source name for source1 is China

  3. Source administration for source1 is China

  4. Source level of organization for source1 is Individual

  5. Source sector is for source1 National Executive


  1. Literal source value for source2 is "Singapore"

  2. Source name for source2 is Singapore

  3. Source administration for source2 is Singapore

  4. Source level of organization for source2 is Country

  5. Source sector for source2 is Government Agent

This sentence codes to the linked event forms, Travel to meet [and] Host a meeting. Thus, the linkage generates a second event with the source and target reversed:

  1. Chinese President Jiang Zemin (source1) travel to meet (event1of linked event) Singapore (target1)

  2. Singapore (source2) host a meeting (event2 of linked event)Chinese President Jiang Zemin (target2)