Human death

IDEA Code 42
Name Human death
Usage Notes Includes discovery of human remains. Includes suicides, unless the suicide is in the context of protest. Note that deaths ascribed to causes that are represented by another event form are coded to those forms. With the exception of generic suicides (where the person committing suicide is coded at once as the source and target actor) there will never be a source actor for this event category.
Example The mayor died today. *
Example Notes The person who dies will always be the target actor of the Human death event category. Because the mayor is the "recipient," of the death in this example, he is the target of this event coding. No source actor is specified in this sentence, nor, with the exception of suicides, should a source ever be specified in a Human death coding. Had a cause of death been specified (e.g., illness, accident, murder, etc.), the event form would shift to the appropriate Human illness, Accident or Physical assault event category.
Comments Note that deaths ascribed to causes that are represented by another event form are coded to those forms. With the exception of generic suicides (where the person committing suicide is coded at once as the source and target actor) there will never be a source actor for this event category.
* Source = blue, Event = red and Target = green