Host a meeting

IDEA Code 033
Name Host a meeting
Description Hosting a visitor at one's residence, office or home country.
Usage Notes  
Example Russian President Boris Yeltsin on Saturday hosts Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto in this Siberian city for an informal meeting aimed at establishing close personal relations between the two leaders. *
Linked or Reciprocal
Rendering of Example
Russian President Boris Yeltsin on Saturday hosts Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto in this Siberian city for an informal meeting aimed at establishing close personal relations between the two leaders. *
Example Notes This example contains a complementary linked event (Host a meeting is linked to Travel to meet). Thus, in the first coding, Russian President Boris Yeltsin is the source actor (the host) and Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto is the target actor (the visitor) of this event. In the second, linked, event coding, Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto is the source actor (the visitor) who is visiting Russian President Boris Yeltsin (the host). Note that the source and target are switched because the event category has changed from Host a meeting to Travel to meet.
* Source = blue, Event = red and Target = green